How Does the Law Work in Antarctica?
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It is easy to see why Antarctica may be our last great frontier on Earth. But we are only beginning to understand the possibilities that this continent may present for the future development of mankind. So far, the international scientific community’s research on Antarctica has broadened our understanding on many topics including the world’s climate, geology, ice formation, sea levels, meteorology, and glaciology on planet Earth.

Roald Amuldson, the man who first stood at the South Pole, was a man of action. In preparation for his expedition to the bottom of the world, he learned to live like the Eskimos, ski in dangerous artic terrain, improve his understanding of directing a dog-sled team, and learned from adversity. On the other hand, historians now generally agree that Englishman Robert Scott did not prepare with the same drive and focus as Amuldson. Scott did not particularly like Antarctica, while Amuldson said, "it [Antarctica] is supposed to be painful and purifying."

Amuldson stated in his journal almost 100 years ago that Antarctica "is the last beautiful, vast, virgin land in the world." But he also said, "To go it alone is pure madness." If Antarctica ever turns into something more than just a scientific research community, we will have to work in cooperation with the rest of the world to make it happen.

NOTE: Watch the Nova DVD Mountain of Ice, (2003) where Jon Krakauer, author of Into Thin Air,; and world-class mountaineer Conrad Anker and his team of climbers hike to the top of Antarctica’s tallest peak, Vinson Massif. The DVD showcases the great panoramic footage of the continent from a close-up perspective, and shows the profound impact of the weather on this great continent at the bottom of the world.

Antarctica, by Elliot Porter (1978)
Mountain of Ice, Nova DVD (2003)