The "Art" of a Closing Argument
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Maintain a "Presence"
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Second, you need to truly "argue" during your closing argument. Jurors don’t want to sit there for an additional period of time and hear you regurgitate the same information that they’ve heard over the past several hours or days. They want and need to hear you argue about why, after all of the information that was presented during the trial, they should rule in your favor. This needs to be done in an efficient manner. You must appeal to the jurors both logically and emotionally, and you must simultaneously incorporate your overarching theme. Jurors want you to articulate and argue the facts that support your familiar theme. What they don’t want to hear are your personal opinions. Everyone has an opinion, including the jurors, and they need cold, hard facts to support or sway their opinions. Stick to the facts, and analyze the information they have heard over the course of the trial that is consistent with your theme—this will only further prove that you have done your job efficiently from beginning (your opening statement) to end (your closing argument).

Next, we’ll see how to maintain a "presence" in front of the jurors.

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