General Warranty Deeds – An Overview
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Future Covenants for Title
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In addition to the three present covenants for title there are three future covenants for title that are guaranteed through general warranty deeds. These covenants are assurances which exist after one chooses to and does a purchase the property. The three future covenants are the (i) covenant for quiet enjoyment, the (ii) covenant of warranty, and the (iii) covenant for further assurances.

1. Covenant for Quiet Enjoyment: A covenant for quiet enjoyment is a covenant where the seller assures the buyer that the buyer will not be disturbed in his or her possession of the property by a third party’s lawful claim of title. This is an assurance that extends to possession of the property, not to title to the property. The covenant for quiet enjoyment is breached by a disturbance in the buyer’s possession of the property after he or she makes the purchase. A disturbance in possession of the property could be an entry on the property, or lawful removal of the buyer from the property, such that the covenant would be broken.

2. Covenant of Warranty: A covenant of warranty is a covenant where the seller assures the buyer that he or she will defend against reasonable claims of lawful title made by third parties. Furthermore, the seller assures that he or she will compensate the buyer for any loss that the buyer sustains by such a claim. In reality, the covenant of warranty is essentially the same as a covenant for quiet enjoyment.

3. Covenant for Further Assurances: A covenant for further assurances is a covenant where the seller assures the buyer that he or she will perform any acts that may be reasonably necessary to perfect title to the interest in land that was conveyed. This could mean that the seller would execute any other necessary legal documents to ensure that issues with title were remedied. This covenant is not used widely in all states, such as Ohio.

Finally, we’ll wrap this article up by going over a few key points.

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