How to Become a Lawyer – The Basics (Part I)
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Are You the "Lawyer Type?"
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Although you have already learned that lawyers come from all walks and stages of life, lawyers do have one universal feature in common. Above all, lawyers are problem-solvers. Do you enjoy and/or excel at solving other people’s issues and concerns? Or do you tend to shun away from others’ problems? Do you see a problem as an opportunity or as a roadblock? Skilled lawyers tend to enjoy analyzing and finding solutions to difficult questions and concerns.

Skilled lawyers are also great communicators. They need to be good at such skills as reading, writing, and speaking. Depending on what law career one chooses, a lawyer may focus on one form of communication over the rest. For example, trial lawyers are well versed in oral advocacy – i.e. speaking in front of juries and others on behalf of a client. Other lawyers may devote the bulk of their time to legal writing, such as law clerks who work for a judge. Overall, however, lawyers tend to use all forms of communication in some way or another.

So how do you know if you are the lawyer type? If you like to challenge your mental intellect, then this could be a career path for you. Becoming a lawyer is not for the faint-hearted, but with hard work and persistence it is very realistic that you could be successful in this profession. The path to becoming a lawyer is not a sprint; it is a marathon.

Next, see we’ll explore the timeline for becoming a lawyer.